you crave attention, you have no idea how to be alone. god help you as he is the only one who can.
Browsing Moans 41–60
You're all over here with your fake ass Kim k's whilst I'm queen bey and loving it!
It's people like you that love watching dapper laughs and having no respect for the women in your life. Pure disgusting behaviour
2 years today. Not that your selfish self would even know what
WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?! I have searched, googled, begged--and I still do not understand why you keep breaking!
I still genuinely believe the potential is there and there is simply no application of it. I won't be living with any regrets any more.
They soon will have your card numbered. What a dumbass
You're like a fucking plant pot. Once you've reached your capacity you replace something. You never think to increase your capacity, because that's just not you
You can't fucking have your cake and eat it. God help whoever ends up with your waste of an ass
Selfish spoilt and self centred. That is YOU
You shouldn't be allowed to fuck with anyone ever again
Only one person can change this and make it better but your head is so far up your own arse that you can't see through your shit and selfishness
I'm so glad you blew it, it's no ones fault or mistake but yours. Wake up and smell the shit you did
your words no longer have a way with me douchebag
once a cunt always a cunt
im a king and you're just a pauper, always will be
What a waste of space
You may look a little better but you're personality is rotten to the core. You are the biggest dickhead I know
Say something I'm giving up on you
You know when you give someone the benefit of the doubt and only see the best in them despite their flaws and then they let you down time and time again and you just think. Fuck this shit. I don't deserve this anymore. Go screw with someone else