moanlog – Anonymous moaning

Listing Random Moans

Yes you mac keyboard is nice, but stop fucking banging the keys like you wnt to fucking poke the life out of it!!

Stupid fucks. If you're going to change lanes, Use a signal for Christ's sake! And DO NOT BRAKE after you cut me off! You jumped ahead of me because you were in -such- a damned rush, at least go the speedlimit!

Empty words. Actions spoke louder than what you said

You're not my problem anymore you spoilt brat.

Everything sucks.and this is the last time i'll complain about it.

For the last time, it's spelt prEtty, not prItty. Get it right you fucking loser.

for two people who claim to love me so much, it seems they are surprisingly ignorant to how much their childish fighting is fucking my life up. i wonder which one is the bigger liar.

When a girl is obviously quite happily seeing a guy, why can't you just back off and leave your pathetic mooning to the privacy of your own little room? Seriously, back the fuck off. It's bad enough that you'd try and hide the fact that you're going to see her from me even when it's patently obvious that that's where I'm going too when we meet on the bus, but Jesus Christ, just grow a pair and move the fuck on, cos you're not fooling anyone. Fucking douchebag.

Fucking goddamn fires have turned the sky orange again. These fall days where the humidity is so fucking low that you could light water on fire piss me off. Add winds above 30mph and pyro tendencies, you have a formula to ruin my fucking lungs.

stop giving me shit for shit that i didn't do. ffs. it wasn't me.

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